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Pressing on, in Jesus Name.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


Okay, so I have a confession to make. Last night I got lost in a town that is barely visible on a map! What a loser I am!
It was time to go pick up Hannah from the dance--midnight it's over. So off I fly into the wild dark yonder in search of an elusive country club in a small town. I know where the town is, and I know how small it is, so I figure, how hard can it be to find a country club there? I was wrong! I drove around that town for 20 minutes, in the dark, looking for clues as to where this place might have its existence, and nothing, nada, zilch, zero. The Lord and I had a chat, and short of me completely letting go of the wheel to let Him steer, which I was ready to do, I finally acquiesced and ducked into the only place open at that time of night, the bar (which by the way I had passed 4 times already in search of a pay phone--it seems with the advent of the cell phone, those have become a thing of the past in small town America! Well guess what people! Not everyone owns a cell phone, and sometimes there are still emergency situations where one NEEDS to make a call and would like to find a pay phone!!!!!). So I walk into the bar, barefoot (remember, my plan was to not need to exit my vehicle, so shoes weren't necessary). And I finally got the establishment owner's attention to ask her where this place was exactly. Evidently it was in a part of town that I failed to wander around aimlessly in the dark--all those slightly rough streets in serious need of repair melded into one another by that time and I thought I had covered it all. So armed with my new found information, off I went.
So what do two people who love each other very much and who's reunion has been delayed by about 20 minutes from the original plan do when they're finally reunited? Yep, you guessed it, they yell at each other. We were both worried, both scared that the other might have come to harm, both wondering what the other was thinking about the lateness of the hour, and rather than be joyful, we spent the first 1/3 of the ride home with raised voices, and the rest of the ride home exchanging clipped conversation in our hurt.
I feel bad, I should have asked for directions from Mark before I left home, but I was arrogant (and dippy) and forgot. I also should have grabbed Mark's cell for just such an emergency, but I didn't do that, either. I should have stopped at the bar to ask where I needed to go the first time I passed it, but I was afraid.
So after all that wandering around, I'm still not sure I could find the place right off the next time. I think I'll ask before I leave home.

1 comment:

janelle said...

Thanks for the honesty M! I had many of those moments with Taryn -and I'm sure, with two "young" ones getting older - many more of those moments to come! Pray that peace has been restored!