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Pressing on, in Jesus Name.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Coffee thoughts

As I was bringing my son to basketball practice at 6:30 this morning, (!) I got to thinking about my little coffee habit. I've gone from being a coffee hater, to being able to tolerate the weak stuff that others call coffee, to being a full-blown coffee fanatic. If you're gonna make it, make it a good, solid cup of coffee--if I serve you a cup of coffee, you won't be able to see the bottom of the cup, even when the cup only has an inch of coffee in it. I"m not offended if people "can't take" my coffee, or want a little coffee and some water to thin it out--I used to do that to my husband's brew. I guess I can "blame" him for getting me to the level I'm at.
So when I was "deprived" this past weekend, and about the only cup available was a watered down version at best, it was hard to function. Not necessarily because I needed the caffeine, there are Diet Cokes for that, but because I missed the flavor of the cup I'm accustomed to.
Then I got to thinking about Jesus. Did he miss the flavors of heavenly food when he was here on earth? I mean, the food here was okay, and he could live on it, but I just wonder. Think about it, when Jesus did his first miracle at the wedding in Cana, he turned bath water into wine. We know that. But not just any wine! This wine was the BEST the master of ceremonies had ever had! Heavenly wine? I wonder... . And what must it have been like for the disciples to taste Jesus' cooking on the lake shore that day after his resurrection? They were out fishing, and when they got to the shore, Jesus already had a fire going with fish cooking on it!
This also makes me think of the manna that the Israelites were given 6 mornings a week. Have you ever noticed that the writer of Exodus couldn't quite explain what it tasted like? Heavenly food...heavenly food.
Getting excited for the marriage feast of the Lamb yet? I am!

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