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Pressing on, in Jesus Name.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Sleepless night, random thoughts

I was in bed last night, but not sleeping, dozing, but not sleeping. At one point, I had an unusual sense of heat & light coming from the west side of the room, which is not where either of those would come from, as our bedroom door is on the NE corner of the room. Along with that, I had a feeling of peace come over me, and the words "I am with you." It comforted me, not for what the decision about auxiliary will be, but for the process of making the decision.
I do feel rested, which is also miraculous, as I don't usually anyway on any given morning. We'll see how much yawning I do at work today, and how the brownies turn out for the kids. (I have managed to botch them in some way the two previous times I've made them, my husband says I'm just out of practice from at home, think he's trying to tell me something?)
I spent the night in prayer and thought, and it was good.

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