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Pressing on, in Jesus Name.

Friday, April 20, 2007

After nearly a year

I am so excited! After nearly a year after breaking my tooth (well, actually it was a post that was made from what was left of my tooth that I broke on the playground in 4th grade...) I will complete the process of having a dental implant placed and functioning! It will be AWESOME to be able to eat with a full set of teeth, and not to have to remove my "flipper" before I do so (I think it's called a flipper because every time one sneezes it threatens to flip right out of one's mouth)! I can enjoy a real meal conversation and the laughter that goes with it without embarrassment!
I did take advantage of my situation of being tooth free on Halloween by "bruising" my eye and wearing a hockey jersey to our church's Hallelujah Party.
After a long year including several dental visits beginning in May 2006 to initially re-attach what I had, then in June 2006 getting my original root pulled. In August, I received bone-grafting. In January a titanium post was implanted into my jaw and I was left with a button to cover the wound. NOW I'm looking forward to May 8, 2007 when I get the abutment post attached to the titanium one and the crown glued to it.
All this joy for a girl who is desperately panic stricken when it comes to the dental chair. I freely admit that I handle it poorly--with weeping and writhing (thank goodness for temporary sedatives!)
Anyway, bottom line is that I'm pumped!


Carey said...

U make me laugh, "flipper"! Excited for you...although are you sure you don't want to wait until after Halloween so you can have the same get-up?!

Miriam said...

It's true!!!! The thing IS called a flipper!!! Now, as to the why of it, after wearing one for 9 months, I have my theories as to how it got its name. The other theory is a not so nice one, because the thing is uncomfortable and makes me crabby!